
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2024

The Game Awards were full of suspense !

Actually, the latest Game Awards ceremony were awesome, and full of suspense ! This award ceremony organized in Los Angeles (California) lasted more than eight hours. More than 85 millions visitors watched this ceremony online. The global Gamers' community  was voting in order to select the winners of the Game Awards 2024 . Furthermore, several top stars  such as Snoop Dogg, Royal & the Serpent , and Twenty One Pilots had celebrated the Game Awards   ceremony with their performances on the stage. Besides, movie stars such as Harrison Ford,  Hideo Kojima, and Aaron Paul honoured this super show with their presences. Finally, Astro Bot   won a total of 5 different prizes, and became the Game of the Year . The Last of us, Part 1 won  several prizes in two different categories : " Innovation and Accessibility", "Games for Impact ".  And, Fortnite became the Best Ongoing Game of the Year 2024 .   👀  📶   💻  ...

Le salon Open Source Experience a fêté sa 4 ème édition !

Paris a accueilli le dernier " Rendez-vous européen de l'Open Source" la semaine dernière ! Plus de 6000 professionnels ont pu admirer les nouvelles innovations open source du monde digital. D'après une étude menée par Systematic Paris Région , le marché du logiciel libre et open source  représente environ 60 000 emplois directs, et 5,9 milliards d'Euros en l'an 2022. La croissance  économique du secteur open source français devrait atteindre environ 7,8% par an jusqu'en 2027". Les conférences du dernier salon Open Source Expérience ont mis en valeur 5 grands thèmes:   -La Cybersécurité -L'IA, le Machine Learning , et la Data -Le Cloud , et l'Iot -Le Business et les enjeux -et les Solutions d'entreprise

Welcome to API Days Paris !

Actually, 5000 visitors, 1500 companies, and 300 speakers had met and shared the best of APIs  during this three-days main event, that is to say from the 3rd to the 5th of December 2024.  The IBM experts gave a clear definition of an API on their official website : "an API,  or application programming interface, is a set of rules or protocols that enables software  applications to communicate with each other to exchange data, features and functionality".  A global community of API Designers and decision makers is shaping the future of technology.  As our world becomes more and more interconnected, the evolution of APIs is impacting any sector  such as Information Technology (IT), manufacturing, energy, transport, banking, healthcare,  and education. Moreover, the APIs are now so popular that we are using them constantly and  unconsciously in our everyday life. So, here are the most 10 popular APIs used today in the world:  the Google Map...